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Positive Psychology & Motivation

Positive psychology is still relatively new within psychology. It focuses on understanding and promoting well-being and happiness.

Traditional therapy is often aimed at curing illnesses and alleviating suffering. In positive psychology, the focus is on strengthening positive emotions, personal strengths and creating conditions that enable a fulfilling life. This does not mean that "negative" feelings are left out. There is also room for difficult topics.

A central element of positive psychology is motivation. It helps you set and pursue goals. It influences how you think, feel and act. There are two basic types of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

Intrinsic motivation comes from within a person. It is driven by personal interest in something or by the pleasure and satisfaction from an activity; e.g. you work out in the gym because it makes you feel healthier.

Extrinsic motivation, on the other hand, is created by external rewards or pressure. These can take the form of money, recognition or social expectations; e.g. you train in the gym because you want to win a competition or to remain attractive to your partner.

According to positive psychology, intrinsic motivation is more sustainable and leads to greater well-being. When people do things that motivate them intrinsically, they often enter a state of "flow". They become completely absorbed in an activity and forget about space and time. They live completely in the moment. This state is strongly associated with happiness and satisfaction.

Positive psychology offers various approaches to promote motivation and well-being:

  • Focusing on strengths: An essential part of positive psychology is identifying and using personal strengths. If you know and use your strengths, you will experience more success and satisfaction in your life. This strengthens intrinsic motivation and self-confidence.

  • Finding meaning: A fulfilling life is often associated with the feeling that what you do has a deeper meaning. Positive psychology encourages people to reflect on their values ​​and goals and to find activities that correspond to them. This leads to deeper, long-term motivation.

  • Cultivating positive emotions: Positive emotions such as joy, gratitude and hope can promote motivation. Mindfulness techniques help to develop a positive attitude and strengthen motivation.

  • Strengthening resilience: Resilience is the ability to overcome and recover from setbacks. Resilient people stay motivated even when they encounter obstacles. Techniques for promoting resilience include developing a supportive social network and learning problem-solving strategies.

In our world, we are often focused on external success and rewards. Positive psychology offers a valuable counterbalance here: the pursuit of inner prosperity and lasting happiness. 

Would you like to find out more about how you can make your life rich and lastingly happy from the inside? I’m looking forward to meet you:


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