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Positive through a crisis - Food

How do you use food for thoughts? I have to be honest, that food was never a topic I spent much time researching. I’ve grown up in a family with Italian origins, where food is important and cooked fresh and healthy every day. As I’m not a nutrition specialist, I’ll not share any diet tips with you. No, I was wondering, what influence food on your psyche has.

The research in this area has only started in the last couple of years. However, there are no concluding scientific results yet, that certain food can improve your brain performance or make you happier. Although many of you will contradict that and name Chocolate as the number one happiness maker. Here are some ideas to make home-office more agreeable (if you do not already love it).

  • Instead of cooking and baking the same dishes over and over, get inspired and try out new recipes. If you really want to get crazy on this idea, get one of these food boxes delivered to you. That’s how I discovered cabbage… never ate that before.

  • You don’t have time over lunch? Then let others cook for you and get it delivered. There is probably even more (healthy) choice now than in the employee restaurant ever was. Plan your week or choose according to your mood in the morning. And here’s the crazy version; choose and buy a subscription and surprise yourself.

  • You are one of these with partner and children at home and food has to be on the table at 12 pm sharp? Cook together. And what would happen, if they do the cooking?! You finish your important business meeting and get lunch served. 😉

"Do something good to your body, so that your soul feels comfortable living in it." Theresa of Avila

There is no good or bad way to cope with a crisis. We all have our personal coping strategies for a reason. So be benevolent to each other. 🤗 Do you have more input on this topic? Tell us.👇 Did you like the article? Like it. 👇

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