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Positively with stress - Gratitude

Writer's picture: SandraSandra

Especially in stressful times, we often fail to see the good. Admittedly, sometimes life can hit us really hard and we don't have the air to breathe for a while. Being grateful for that is asking a lot.

But we can also get stuck on the old bad things for too long. Let's assume that the time is there for you to let go, process experiences and look forward. There are many effective ways to do this. One of them is gratitude.

Gratitude is the appreciation for positive aspects in life and the recognition of people, events or circumstances that benefit you. It has a positive effect on health (e.g. reduction and resilience of stress/anxiety), strengthens social relationships, improves sleep, reduces pain, strengthens the immune system and increases general satisfaction and optimism.

But how do you live with gratitude?

  • The gratitude journal: Write down regularly what you are grateful for. Do this every day for a week. This improves your ability to recognize positive things in everyday life.

  • Gratitude meditation: If you already meditate, you have probably already come across a gratitude meditation. These allow you to focus on positive experiences.

  • Give a THANK YOU: Give someone a sincere thank you. Send that person a message or, even better, tell the person in person.

“The grateful person sees the light in the darkness because he knows that even the darkness has a purpose.” Buddha

Spontaneously; what are you grateful for in your life?

There is no good or bad way to deal with stress. We all have our reasons for our coping strategy. So be kind to one another. 🤗


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